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How To Clean a Concrete Floor

· Home Cleaning

For durability and stain resistance, concrete floors are used in homes and businesses.

Although they often use unfinished concrete floors in garages, basements, warehouses and other commercial spaces, polished concrete is becoming more and more popular.

In general, although the concrete is durable, it is very porous, the dirt is bad, and dirt may accumulate as time passes (especially if it is not finished). In order to take care of your concrete floor, you need to be subject to good quality cleaning with it.

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It is a good idea to bring in a concrete floor cleaner in Paul Bay to get rid of the more severe stains every year, or bigger than that, although you can do regular cleaning on your own.

The way to clean your floor and get rid of the stain is ultimately determined by whether it is finished or not.

Cleaning of unfinished concrete floor The unfinished concrete floor is not polished or stamped.

This type of floor is most often used in garages or basements and is more resistant to stains.

The disease is especially concerned with the basement floor because it is grown in a damp or dark place. First, remove the furniture and rugs from the area.

Clean the entire floor with dust and follow up a dust mop to catch small particles, removing large debris. Then check the floor stains. In general, the more the stain is processed faster, removal is facilitated.

Removing stains from concrete may seem impossible, but there are ways to do it:

Hot water and dish soap: hot and mild dish cleaners can easily mix and wash food stains from the concrete. Bleaching ammonia: Along with other chemical solutions, bleaching ammonia is better for tougher stains, but it requires more attention in enclosed spaces.

Depoe Bay, or concrete floor cleaner, has more experience with regard to chemical cleaners. Hydrogen peroxide and flour: the hydrogen peroxide and flour are pasted into a paste form and painted on the stain throughout the night.The next morning, scrape it off and rub the stain with soap and water.

Sodium phosphate: For tougher stains, dilute the sodium phosphate (TSP) with water and apply it to the dirt, rub it with a brush and rinse with water. Use a nylon hair brush instead of metal fibers when flushing out dirt.Metal fibers fall and are trapped in concrete, and eventually, rust may damage the floor.

Polished Concrete Floor Cleaning The indoor concrete floor is generally stamped to create a polished or more finished charm.

This means that you need to be more careful when cleaning them to avoid damage. First, clean the floor to get rid of the big rubble. Then make a solution of hot water and a mild soap or ph cleaner.

Use the mop to distribute the cleaning fluid across the floor, then repeat the mop with clean water alone. Do not use strict chemicals on the finished concrete floor. Polishing may be easily impaired.